Congrats on opting in for our Infographic!! As a special bonus, here's Tom explaining how to make it work in this deep dive video, (bookmark this page)

"How To Generate Nine Times the Leads and Three Times the Sales -
The Power of Strategic Risk Reversal"

He's The Real Deal

Tom is someone I've known for quite a long time. He's been in the game of entrepreneurship for 37 years, he's had 80 plus businesses. He's made millions, he's lost millions, and he's made them again.

So he really comes from the school of hard knocks, he's the real deal. He's worked with Jay Abraham and I on different activities that we had in the past.

Widely recognized as an Internet marketing pioneer and one of the world’s top experts on online business strategy.

Rich Schefren

Owner, Strategic Profits

Strategic Thinker

Tom is a strategic thinker and savvy entrepreneur, but also someone whose first priority is to deliver value to those around him. 

That's why he's able to help his clients scale their business in ways they never imagined. 

Because of those results, and because I truly resonate with Tom's approach and values, it's a pleasure to recommend his programs and services.

Cloris Kylie

Bestselling Author of Beyond Influencer Marketing

Master Teacher

Tom is a master teacher and mentor when it comes to teaching business leaders the art of creating joint ventures. 

His simple strategies work and have been proven to create multi million dollar ventures where none existed before.

Timothy Chin

Chief Executive Officer at Prime Marketing Services

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